Wheel of Fortune

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Enter Your variants to choose from:

Usage examples

So many people, so many minds. Can not choose from many variants place for lunch today? Wheel of Fortune - is an easy way to make a choice from several options. Fortune itself suggest what to do!

For what can I use this? Usage is limited only with your imagination.

For example, choose where to go for lunch, what movie to see, what to wear, what to play, who to send to the store, play a prize, choose a name from several options, etc.

How to save entered options?

The entered options can be saved using the "Copy link" button. The link will be copied to the clipboard.

The copied link can be pasted using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V to where it will be convenient (browser address bar, text file, message, notes...)

With this link, the page will open with the previously entered options.