Toss a Coin

To be, or not to be, that is the question.

Coins tossed: 

How to make the right choice every time?

Have You ever been forced to make a choice, but You're torn between two options, unable to make a decision? Would You believe that the simple flip of a coin can guarantee You make the right choice every time?

It's true.

When You've established all the pros and cons, heard everyone's input, gone over it in Your mind from every possible angle, and still agonized for days or weeks without being able to come to a decision, it's time to pull out the coin.

Make one option heads, and the other tails. Think about it for a minute, visualizing the two options on either side. Take a deep breath, and toss the coin.

Suddenly it doesn't matter which side the coin lands on – because You know which side You're hoping it lands on.

You have Your answer. And it's the right one.

How to identify head or tail on the coin?

Most coins have a side where the imprint of a person's head, such as a current or former head of state, is impressed - this side is called the "heads" side. The other side is called the "tails" side, irrespective of its design.

In fact when tossing a coin it does not really matter, since any side of the coin can be described as a head, and other means will be tail. The main thing is to decide before throw.

It can be important for collectors, they have a whole series of rules which define the obverse (head) and reverse (tail) of the coin.

Usage examples

The coin can be used for playing "Heads or Tails" and, if necessary, making random decisions of two equally acceptable options (for example, when the draw for various sports).

Since the probability for one or other side is the same, this method used when you need to make a decision. For example, before a football match referee tosses a coin and thus determines which side of the field will begin to play one or other team.